Blank Altoids Tins

Collections: 31 Spook Street, Altoids Tins & Related Trims, Potions Cupboard

Product type: Collage Supplies

Tags: Boxes & Tins



Approx. 3-3/4" x 2-1/4" (x 7/8" deep). They would make nice little nicho shrines.

Artwork shown above by Design Team Member Kristin Batsel, using characters from the Circus Parade and Tiny Circus Collage Sheets.

Artwork below by Laura Carson using a tin plus Altoids Tin Book Covers in a Halloween project. For more info: Pretty Potions & Poisons Apothecary Event (with tutorial); and/or see the supply list.

210321KB 120209circustins madamrue 121109nbtin 120312KBkds 130203ktn 130317lm 130905stwl 131012tcc 140105kfb 140810nsg 141002LHP 150222STN 180628LC metal 150419LEA 150517CTT 150830DLO 160505LBD 170104SC 160501LCB 160501SCT 150501AlcTinKit 160501KBT 160512NBM 190407KB 190509SY 190509WH 210704LC 190502RT 190425CT 160512BHT 160515LCS 160522CH 160526RS 160602SM 160612CH 210808RM 170101KB 170101SnwWtkit 190505EL 190421LM 190307SC 170108LC 170112RT 170212LM 170305SC 170810KB 180211KB 180429KB 180429RT 180506SC 190331DC 180524LC 190117SC 200202KB 190905NB 190718SK 180529NB 190331AlcBkkit 180607SC 190331AlcBkkit 200524RT 200521KB 200405KB 200503ScrtGrdnkit 200528BL 210704LT 200604SC 201011KB 210704LT 210822LC 230423SC 230917KB 181129KB 240825KB 241013SC