Retro Ornaments

This is a custom collection based on artwork & new items in a recent newsletter!

From $2.79 $4.49
Images sized to fit the Chipboard Ornament Layers or Ornament Frame Sets (these are 2-5/8" diameter circles - a bit of extra margin was added for the 2-1/2" diameter windows in those chipboard orna...
Images sized to fit the Chipboard Ornament Layers or Ornament Frame Sets (these are 2-5/8" diameter circles - a bit of extra margin was added for t...
From $1.55 $2.49
5 round images sized to fit 2-1/2" diameter circles. I can't resist these retro snowmen (and snowwomen)! It's odd, now when I see snowmen I expect them to have dimples and blush. Collage sheets des...
5 round images sized to fit 2-1/2" diameter circles. I can't resist these retro snowmen (and snowwomen)! It's odd, now when I see snowmen I expect ...

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