Mad Hatter's Tea-Party Paper Dolls Collage Sheet

Collections: Eat, Drink, and Be Scary

Product type: Collage Sheets

Tags: Alice in Wonderland CSs, Digi, Paper Dolls & Toys



These aren't paper dolls in the current usage (with clothes to fasten around a doll — although you can put the top hat on the Mad Hatter); the instructions are for cutting slits to put the characters into the table scene (into the chairs — and you can move them a bit when you make-believe they're talking). 

See the Tin-Sized Alice Collage Sheet linked below for a mini size of these paper dolls.

Design Team Member Shannon Cooper made Pop-Up Tea Time (see the wide photo below). More info in the blog and/or see the supply list.

teaswap paper dolls 180222SC 130207knbx 130613kn1 131230tcb 160103STH alice in wonderland 211017SC 210429RT