Forest Theatre Backdrops Collage Sheet

Collections: *Punch & Judy Theaters SALE, Spring Garden

Product type: Collage Sheets

Tags: ATCs, Digi, Flower & Leaf CSs, Paper Theatres



Small paper theatre backdrops (and "legs" - the side panels that hide the backstage area from the audience). Since the backdrops are approx. 3-1/2" tall, they fit ATCs, too!

Yes, I do believe that is the Gingerbread House from Hansel and Gretel.

Design Team Member Laura Carson made The Shakespeare Theater Presents A Midsummer's Night Dream (see the wide photo below). More info in the blog and/or see the supply list.

Forest Theatre Backdrops Collage Sheet digital Hansel and Gretel searchGrimm 180223LC brothers grimm mixgrimm 160121RJL tree trunk leaf leaves 170212LM PTH 190908LB