Bird Book Covers Collage Sheet

Product type: Collage Sheets

Tags: ATCs, Bird CSs, Book Covers, Cats, Children's Books, Digi



Richly-colored (mainly) Victorian book covers. (Covers from Aesop's Fables and Natural History tomes showing birds... and a cat? how's he/she get in here? hm... maybe for some artwork with a feather sneaking out the side of his mouth?)

Note: most of these fit the cover of the ATC Sized Faux Book Box (a bit larger than an ATC, but they could also be cropped for using on ATCs). See below for a couple more collage sheets with faux book covers for the same book box or see more here.

Also, the large covers on the sheet also fit the Small Hidden Drawer Book Boxes and Altoids Tin Book Covers (with a tiny bit of extra margin to trim from left and right sides).

Blue Bird Book Box by Lora Mahaffey; See the Supply List.

More info in the blog.

160421LMBB 19DecDTkt Aesops duck parrot robin crow fox 200115AC