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  1. Brass oxide over cast pewter. 15 x 12mm (about 1/2" wide).  Sold individually. Bird house bronze 231227CA 160421LMBB 170406SC
  2. A beautiful selection of images from children's book illustrations to vintage ephemera. The sample art above is by Keron Lee....
  3. Exclusive to Alpha Stamps by Teri Calia. "Feather your nest" artwork (at left and larger photo above) is by Teri...
  4. Collage sheets designed by Wendy Anderson are under the name Polliwog & Dragonfly.  The sample art above (of a tag...
  5. A nice mix of bird sizes and colors, many silhouetted so easy to cut out. Licensed from Teri Calia. Design...
  6. Collage sheets designed by Wendy Anderson are under the name Polliwog & Dragonfly.  Design Team Member Shannon Cooper made Dear Mrs....
  7. Richly-colored (mainly) Victorian book covers. (Covers from Aesop's Fables and Natural History tomes showing birds... and a cat? how's he/she...
  8. This is so cute! A faux book to put together with a wrap-around cover and a box area inside for...