Amber Resin Potions Bottle

Product type: Miniatures

Tags: Can & Bottle Blanks, Lucite & Resin



Oh my, this is so tiny! Tiny little amber bottle... good thing we made some tiny labels to fit it. Approx. 20mm tall.

Some photos show other resin bottles for a size comparison.

Sold individually.

One of these is also included in the Apothecary Bottles Kit; see all the other kit components available to buy separately.

Design Team Member Betsy Skagen made a Miniature Merlin's Room (see the wide photo below). More info in the blog and/or see the supply list.

220828SC 150705magpokit 150705twb brown vinegar 150712csb 150723smt 150730law 150730ldb 15083NBT 150830DLO 150830RTL 150903TPS 150906LGHB 150906LGSC 151022WCS 151228NFK 220505TC 160110NTW 160218NB 160313TFG 201004LCbtl 112cabbtls 160801SC 160828LC 160901RS 160908NB 160908BT 161006LC 170507NB 170518TC 170528BL 180927LA 190901AC 170702MatCabkit 180812SC 170716NB 170720LM 200712KB 201001RT cafbtl 180507LC 221002octPBKt 221020RT 150725swc 230924prop 170723SC 240721stall 240727bbshelf 240810112props 241013SC 241013tinprops 170727BL