Mini String of Fairy Lights

Collections: *Punch & Judy Theaters SALE

Product type: Miniatures

Tags: Building Materials, Lights



Updated! A tiny string of 12 tiny lights (the length of wire is approx. 4 feet — the lights are spaced about 4" apart).

You will need to add 2 AA batteries; includes an on/off switch.

Random wire color (copper or silver, but the lights are white for either).

Design Team Member Shannon Cooper made Eat, Drink, and Be Scary: A Miniature Trick-or-Treat Delight (see the wide photo below). More info in the blog and/or see the supply list.

160313TFG led 160619TC 160717SC 160825KB 160828LC 170803LC 170921RT 180204TC 211017SC 211017new 220618LCL 220626LCL 220911LCWD