
$2.59 $3.99
Tiny dark green plastic hooks! On a sprue and ready to be snipped off and used singly. Set of 2 sprues (18 hooks). This item is in Dollhouse 1:12 Scale.  230924new 231119SC 241229CA
Tiny dark green plastic hooks! On a sprue and ready to be snipped off and used singly. Set of 2 sprues (18 hooks). This item is in Dollhouse 1:12 S...
$1.94 $2.99
Cute little packages for peach, banana, watermelon, cantaloupe? (some green-skinned melon), and strawberry. Flat-back resin cabochons. Set of 5 (1 of each color). 221117new
Cute little packages for peach, banana, watermelon, cantaloupe? (some green-skinned melon), and strawberry. Flat-back resin cabochons. Set of 5 (1 ...
$1.62 $2.49
Nicely detailed. Sold individually. CstMetl 221110new
Nicely detailed. Sold individually. CstMetl 221110new
$1.62 $2.49
Nicely detailed. Sold individually. CstMetl 221110new
Nicely detailed. Sold individually. CstMetl 221110new
$1.81 $2.79
Nicely detailed. Sold individually. CstMetl 221110new
Nicely detailed. Sold individually. CstMetl 221110new
$3.24 $4.99
Useful in miniature scenes with Christmas packages (it has a bit of a pink sheen, but looks true red when used sparingly). 1 baggie (everything in the photo is from 1 bag). 221103new grass 231226CA
Useful in miniature scenes with Christmas packages (it has a bit of a pink sheen, but looks true red when used sparingly). 1 baggie (everything in ...
$1.81 $2.79
Removable fluted lid. Oversized (serving) utensils. Set of 4 pieces (base, cover, fork, knife). 221009new 241006new 241226CA
Removable fluted lid. Oversized (serving) utensils. Set of 4 pieces (base, cover, fork, knife). 221009new 241006new 241226CA
$0.64 $0.99
Pretty little embossed buckles! The 6.5mm size is the width of the strap that can fit inside. Sold individually. 220925new antique bronze
Pretty little embossed buckles! The 6.5mm size is the width of the strap that can fit inside. Sold individually. 220925new antique bronze
$0.64 $0.99
A chunky little resin box with label. A useful shape as a block or re-label as a different food box. Sold individually. 221020new carton asian milk strawberry korean japanese 240204new
A chunky little resin box with label. A useful shape as a block or re-label as a different food box. Sold individually. 221020new carton asian mil...
$0.75 $1.15
A chunky little resin bottle with label. Sold individually. Design Team Member Rhonda Thomas made Spooky Poisons (see the wide photo below). More info in the blog and/or see the supply list. 22...
A chunky little resin bottle with label. Sold individually. Design Team Member Rhonda Thomas made Spooky Poisons (see the wide photo below). More i...
$0.75 $1.15
A nicely shaped resin bottle with label. You could relabel it and it could be a brandy or other bottle. Sold individually. 220522new 221020RT 180507LC
A nicely shaped resin bottle with label. You could relabel it and it could be a brandy or other bottle. Sold individually. 220522new 221020RT 18050...
$0.45 $0.69
Not sure what this bag says, but I love the detail and the bright colors! Flat-back resin cabochon. Sold individually. 221117new 240204new
Not sure what this bag says, but I love the detail and the bright colors! Flat-back resin cabochon. Sold individually. 221117new 240204new

49 – 60 products of 103