"The Tell-Tale Heart" is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe first published in 1843. It follows an unnamed narrator who insists on his sanity after murdering an old man with a "vulture eye". The murder is carefully calculated, and the murderer hides the body by dismembering it and hiding it under the floorboards. Ultimately the narrator's guilt manifests itself in the hallucination that the man's heart is still beating under the floorboards.
And that charming fellow in the sample shown above- he's standing over a decapitated woman.
Design Team Member Kristin Batsel made a Spooky Halloween Banner (see the wide photo below). More info in the blog and/or see the supply list.
Telltale Heart Collage Sheet hallosearch halloygsale DIGITAL Edgar Allan Poe halloween 140831paak 151008GK 161002KB HLWN