
$1.27 $1.49
Resin crow (solid); approx. 1" tall. Sold individually. bird crow 240929new
Resin crow (solid); approx. 1" tall. Sold individually. bird crow 240929new
$1.69 $1.99
Teeny tiny hard plastic mouse. Approx. 3/4" long x 1/4" tall. Shown above with a Tiny Sitting Grey Mouse. Sold individually. micro mice gray 190915LM 221103new 241027new
Teeny tiny hard plastic mouse. Approx. 3/4" long x 1/4" tall. Shown above with a Tiny Sitting Grey Mouse. Sold individually. micro mice gray 19091...
$1.69 $1.99
Mix of standing and sitting plastic bunnies (3/4" tall or 3/4" long — a bit small for 1:12 scale, though a young bunny could be only 9" long when sitting). Mix of brown, white and gray colors. Impo...
Mix of standing and sitting plastic bunnies (3/4" tall or 3/4" long — a bit small for 1:12 scale, though a young bunny could be only 9" long when s...
$0.98 $1.15
So sweet! Made of resin (solid so they stand up well). Sold individually. 241006new
So sweet! Made of resin (solid so they stand up well). Sold individually. 241006new
$6.37 $7.49
Resin crow; approx. 1-3/8" long. Sold individually. Design Team Member Nichola Battilana made The Collector's Room Box (see the wide photo below). More info in the blog and/or see the supply list. ...
Resin crow; approx. 1-3/8" long. Sold individually. Design Team Member Nichola Battilana made The Collector's Room Box (see the wide photo below). ...
$8.77 $13.49
3D cast resin cats in 1:12 scale! This one is 1-7/8" wide and designed to perch of the edge of a table or bookcase. Design Team Member Shannon Cooper made The Mini Quilter's Nook (see the wide pho...
3D cast resin cats in 1:12 scale! This one is 1-7/8" wide and designed to perch of the edge of a table or bookcase. Design Team Member Shannon Coo...
$8.77 $13.49
3D cast resin cats in 1:12 scale! See all of the cats and furniture in the group photo. This one is 1-1/8" wide. 240211new 240706tbd 240210cat SpeclOrdr
3D cast resin cats in 1:12 scale! See all of the cats and furniture in the group photo. This one is 1-1/8" wide. 240211new 240706tbd 240210cat S...
$8.77 $13.49
3D cast resin cats in 1:12 scale! This one is 1-1/8" wide. 240512new 240706tbd 240210cat SpeclOrdr
3D cast resin cats in 1:12 scale! This one is 1-1/8" wide. 240512new 240706tbd 240210cat SpeclOrdr
$5.35 $6.29
Love this little guy! Hand-painted cast resin. About 5/8" tall. Sold individually. 200419RT 181123RT 170518TC inch bird kindaDS 181021LW 210124new 240929new
Love this little guy! Hand-painted cast resin. About 5/8" tall. Sold individually. 200419RT 181123RT 170518TC inch bird kindaDS 181021LW 210124new...
$8.77 $13.49
3D cast resin cats in 1:12 scale! See all of the cats and furniture in the group photo. This one is 1-7/8" wide and designed to perch of the edge of a table or bookcase. 240211new 240706tbd 2402...
3D cast resin cats in 1:12 scale! See all of the cats and furniture in the group photo. This one is 1-7/8" wide and designed to perch of the edge...
$8.77 $13.49
3D cast resin cats in 1:12 scale! See all of the cats and furniture in the group photo. This one is 1" tall. 240211new 240706tbd 240210cat SpeclOrdr
3D cast resin cats in 1:12 scale! See all of the cats and furniture in the group photo. This one is 1" tall. 240211new 240706tbd 240210cat Specl...
$1.10 $1.69
Flat-back and ready to be glued into a Halloween scene. Shown above in a Tall Glass Cloche with Cork Base (linked below). Set of 2. 211007new 211017SC 220609GK black cats 220724SC
Flat-back and ready to be glued into a Halloween scene. Shown above in a Tall Glass Cloche with Cork Base (linked below). Set of 2. 211007new 2110...

1 – 12 products of 37