Halloween Dress Up Half Sheet

Collections: ALL Halloween, Triptychs & Halloween Shrine

Product type: Collage Sheets

Tags: Catnip Designs, Digi, Halfpg, Halloween



Cute! Tiny Halloween props that fit the kids in the Little Sweeties Collage Sheet.

Exclusive to Alpha Stamps by Teri Calia.

Design Team Member Kristin Batsel made Halloween Night ATCs (see the wide photo below). More info in the blog and/or see the supply list.

Design Team Member Shannon Cooper made a Hallowe'en Party Shrine (see the wide photo below). More info in the blog and/or see the supply list.

170928TC 170928HB 170924NB 170903lilghlkit 170825SC 170803KB 170901TC 170830LC 171015GN 191013KB 181018KB 171210LM 190530SC 170907LM 190815SC 201004SC