Pretty paper rose buds (on wired stems). Handmade and imported from Thailand.
Set of 12.
200202new mulberry 190818new 132401bttl4 130217eb 130324wamh rosebud 130407nbd 130407npd 130414nch 130426mbf 130627nbfl 130815GA 140622jdga 140810nsg 141214bds 180909KB 150104KBSB 150115lmdr 150225NBV 150308CMT 151022WCS 160117TLM 160413RLG 180909KB 160515LCS 160519tb 160518NMS 160522CH 160605LC 160901TB 160925LC 161006LC 161126NB 180712LC 170305RT 210523SC 210415new 180507LC 190214SC