3mm Brass Flat-Back Studs

Collections: *Spring Fairy Shadowboxes SALE

Product type: Collage Supplies

Tags: Glitter & Tinsel, Metal - Decorative



They're back! Tiny little brass dots... glue them down for a mini nail-head look (concave on the back).

Bag of approx. 50.

Animal Farm Theatre by Design Team Member Kristin Batsel. See the Supply List.

For more information see the blog.

gold 140601KJT 140703nbt 150329NTB 150405KTT 150531SSM 150409NBB 150410TSS 150416SVV 150423CPB 150430KSB 150426RDC 150524VMC 160821BT 151025FTB 151112SCC 160320RMG 160327SFB 160331KMS 160424SFC 180315LC 160428LFM 160508SCP 160529RF 160821AC 170223SC 170406SC 170514SC 170625TC 200719SC 180329LC 180607SC 200719new 210722new 210722SC 220630SC 220626LCK 170309KB