Creepy Tree - 8 Inch

Collections: All Flat Laser Cuts, ALL Halloween

Product type: Collage Supplies

Tags: Die-Cut Shapes, Fairy Garden, Halloween



This will have soooo many uses! Beside a good, creepy tree for Halloween, add some leaves or flowers and it could be used for Spring or Summer. Shown above with both sizes of Creepy Tree.

Design Team Member Shannon Cooper made Eat, Drink, and Be Scary: A Miniature Trick-or-Treat Delight (see the wide photo below). More info in the blog and/or see the supply list.

chipboard 160925LC 160922BT 161016RT 161026SC 170120LC 170907LM 171011GQ 170913LC 190901AC GND 190705SH 190926BL 200419RT 211017SC 150801sbb 221009CL