
From $5.00 $7.00
A mix of images from books and ephemera, all with pink roses (or carnations). Includes a lovely illustration by Walter Crane: And Love's own flower the blushing Rose, the Queen of all the garden ...
A mix of images from books and ephemera, all with pink roses (or carnations). Includes a lovely illustration by Walter Crane: And Love's own flow...
$5.00 $7.00
Thistles, some unknown seed pods, and an artichoke gone to seed. Plus some lovely thistle crowns, which some fairy queen would be proud to wear. Also includes 2 sets of vertical panels and 1 wide h...
Thistles, some unknown seed pods, and an artichoke gone to seed. Plus some lovely thistle crowns, which some fairy queen would be proud to wear. Al...
From $5.00 $7.00
More lovely ladies from vintage postcards.
More lovely ladies from vintage postcards.
$5.00 $7.00
Tulips (and a few other bulbs) sized for slides, ATCs, inchies (1x1s) and 2x2s. A couple images include faint text in the background: "While Tulips lift the banner red, or fill the cups with fire i...
Tulips (and a few other bulbs) sized for slides, ATCs, inchies (1x1s) and 2x2s. A couple images include faint text in the background: "While Tulips...
From $5.00 $7.00
A variety of bits and bobs... recolored and amended to work with the palette of the Birds & Cages Kit. This sheet is also included in the Bird & Cages Kit; see all the other kit components ...
A variety of bits and bobs... recolored and amended to work with the palette of the Birds & Cages Kit. This sheet is also included in the Bird ...
From $5.00 $7.00
Collage sheets designed by Wendy Anderson are under the name Polliwog & Dragonfly.  The sample art above (of a tag with a house-shaped album) is by Teri Calia. 191215AM 140105k birds 150104KBSB...
Collage sheets designed by Wendy Anderson are under the name Polliwog & Dragonfly.  The sample art above (of a tag with a house-shaped album) i...
From $5.00 $7.00
Artwork by Design Team Member Kristin Batsel. See above for a larger photo. Exclusive to Alpha Stamps by Teri Calia. 130210bb9 130210bb4 131228chh 131228hrt 140105k 140130harga febkitsent 2001...
Artwork by Design Team Member Kristin Batsel. See above for a larger photo. Exclusive to Alpha Stamps by Teri Calia. 130210bb9 130210bb4 13122...
$5.00 $7.00
Note: those 2 large packets are sized to be an envelope for an ATC. Exclusive to Alpha Stamps by Teri Calia. Sweet Peas Floral ATC Pocket by Teri Calia; See the Supply List. More info in the blog...
Note: those 2 large packets are sized to be an envelope for an ATC. Exclusive to Alpha Stamps by Teri Calia. Sweet Peas Floral ATC Pocket by Teri...
From $5.00 $7.00
All kinds of images, from vintage perfume labels to a plate of personified Violet and Primrose (from Walter Crane's Flora's Feast, A Masque of Flowers) to a line by Ophelia from Hamlet:I would give...
All kinds of images, from vintage perfume labels to a plate of personified Violet and Primrose (from Walter Crane's Flora's Feast, A Masque of Flow...
From $5.00 $7.00
Women with roses (and carnations) and a floral border from covers of vintage seed catalogs. The (beautiful and odd) artwork is by Design Team Member Teri Calia. Women & Flowers Collage Sheet DI...
Women with roses (and carnations) and a floral border from covers of vintage seed catalogs. The (beautiful and odd) artwork is by Design Team Membe...

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