Chipboard Steamer Trunk - 4 Inch

Collections: 3D Chipboard

Product type: Miniatures

Tags: 1:12 Furniture, 3D Laser-Cut Minis

NOTE: Items cut from the thicker chipboard burn easily so the laser-cutting process may leave charcoal residue behind. Save yourself a headache, and just wipe the cut edges of these items down with a dry paper towel before assembling or painting. (Note: the chipboard color may have changed since the photo was taken.)



Sweet! A tiny kit (laser-cut chipboard). Love the tiny desktop that folds down!

Note: this tiny size does not have chipboard drawers to fit in the cubbies, but this collage sheet has drawers you can fold together that fit!

Instructions (in a nutshell: work from the inside out):
- Tab the shelves into the back.
- Add the top and bottom.
- Place one side.
- Add the drop-down (desk) panel into the hole provided.
- Add the other side, fitting tabs and drop piece (desk) into holes.

Teri Calia made Packing for a Trip to Transylvania (see the wide photo below). More info in the blog and/or see the supply list.

160821AC 160821TC 170406SC 170720LC 150419LEA gryGD 171026SC 150405KTT GND 150419LEA 150514LMHAB 150426RDC 150528BHS